Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Royal Wedding

On the 28th March 2011, at Bordesley Green Primary School we celebrated the Royal Wedding. It was a non-uniform day and all the children had to wear wedding clothes in red, white or blue to represent the Union Jack (British flag). Lessons were as normal, however activities were based around the Royal Wedding and in the afternoon we continued celebrating by making arty, crafty things within our classrooms. We were all given paper plates (before Easter holidays) to take home; we had to decorate the plate as a souvenir for the Royal Wedding. Our decorated plates were then bought into school and placed on the classroom doors, furthermore each child, who bought a plate in, was awarded an ice-lolly! In KS1, some of the children had a street party and enjoyed celebrating the big event, in style. It was a fantastic day!
By Ayesha