Thursday 28 February 2013

Year 5 visit to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens


As part of Year 5’s Themed Topic  Invaders of the Forest”, we visited the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.   Children were able to learn more about the plants and animals of the Rainforest.  We entered the Tropical and Sub-tropical houses to experience the beauty of the range of plants on display.  A fantastic day!
Tanwir 5RB

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Year 4 Birmingham Royal Ballet Workshop

"On Tuesday 12th February 2013, three people from the Birmingham Royal Ballet came to Bordesley Green Primary School to teach Year 4 Ballet.  We learnt a few ballet moves, like the leap and the pivot.  There was also a pianist helping the dancers.  We acted out three scenes from the play version of Aladdin.  Five groups picked three scenes from the ballet to perform.  It was exciting, fun and athletic!  I hope Year 4 can have more days of Ballet just like this one.  What a fabulous day it was for Year 4!"
By Aadam 4R


"On Tuesday 12th February 2013, we had some visitors from The Birmingham Royal Ballet.  There was Tom, Pep and Helen.  Tom instructed us, Pep watched and helped us and Helen played the piano.  We had a lot of fun, Mrs Rahman said, “We’ve had lots of visitors but no-one quite like this!”
 Maryum 4R

Thursday 7 February 2013

Weatherwise data logging

Year  4 were visited by Catherine from Birmingham University. She talked to the children about the work done by the university in researching weather  conditions. The children were able to use infra-red thermometers to record surface temperature of parts of the playground. They also use a weather monitor to record air temperature and wind speed.

Monday 4 February 2013

Year 3 Evacuation Day

  "On Thursday, we had a Year 3 World War II themed day where we took part in lots of fun activities linked to the war and the evacuation of young children. We had to come to school dressed as a child from the 1940's and we made labels and suitcases just like the ones the evacuated children used during the war. We learned how to dance the Jive and how to sing some of the popular songs from the war time years, such as 'It's a long way to Tipperary' and 'Pack up your troubles'. In order to have an evacuation party, we made some party foods using the types of food available during the ration, such as jam sandwiches and little fairy cakes." 
                                                                                                                            Humaira  3D

Grand Opening of Phlebotomy Unit

This morning, we visited Heartlands hospital because our artwork had been displayed in the new blood unit. If ever any children go for a blood test, they will see our pictures brightening the room!

We also saw the Chief executive officially opening the children’s phlebotomy unit by cutting a ribbon.

Hadiqa 6K and Maariya 4U

Hadiqa was chosen as our Year 4 winner

Maariya was chosen as our Year 3 winner