We kicked off this year's Eid celebrations in school with a visit from a Bangra dance company, who led a whole school assembly. They demonstrated several different Bollywood dances before teaching us a few moves as well.
Later we enjoyed a special Eid lunch, where everyone was invited to stay for dinners and join in with an Eid buffet.
As part of Black History Month, each year group chose a famous person to research. The work produced was shared in an assembly and then used to display within the school.
We finished Black History Month with a special African Drumming assembly. We had a visitor from Drum Voice who led the assembly alongside the Anti Racist Council.
Some children from each of the different year groups got to have a go. It was lots of fun and very loud!
On Thursday, Year 4 visited the Ackers Adventure centre. Whilst there, they had the opportunity to take part in a variety of different outdoor activities including rock climbing.